Saturday, November 13, 2010

The daughter of a hero, Suu Kyi became Myanmar's symbol of hope

It's small, but the only physical growth. Aung San Suu Kyi is the symbol of a long struggle for democracy in Burma.

Activist 65 years, sued the authoritarian military government in Burma, quietly and with grace. Therefore, he is under housed arrest for most of the last two decades, perhaps a prisoner has been famous in the world politics.

He lived quietly alone Inya Lake in Yangon decay Villa (the former capital, which is also known as Rangoon), with only two employees.

Before his release on Saturday, was the Nobel Peace Prize little contact with people from outside, except for the doctor visit.

Sometimes, however, was on the walls of his concessions to speak to his disciples that he was not tired to break the crusade against the tyranny of the dictatorship of his beloved country, Burma, the other name for Myanmar.

Know as the "Lady" in Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, a former South African President Nelson Mandela, who spent most of his life in prison for fighting apartheid.

In an interview on CNN, a few years ago, Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's actually the same situation, the previous government of brutal race in South Africa.

"It is a kind of apartheid," he said. 'Africa, apartheid, to color. Apartheid is based on the idea-based. It is as those of democracy somehow inferior race, that abroad, and that's not true. "

Daughter of General Aung San, Burma's independence hero Aung San Suu Kyi has spent most of his life abroad, going to school in India and at Oxford University in England.

He has never tried the policy. Instead, the direction was given to him when he came that home in 1988, when her mother suffered a stroke.

During the visit raised the rebellion of the students and the symbol of freedom. When Suu Kyi's mother died the following year, Suu Kyi has pledged that his parents had the man was in Burma, so be it.

His first public address was delivered before a crowd of hundreds of thousands of her husband, Michael Aris and their two children and asked, democratic government.

"The current crisis is an issue that the whole nation," he said. "I cannot stay, because no matter the daughter of my father, what happens. This national crisis could in fact be the" second struggle for independence. "

He defeated the Burmese people.

One of them was Nyo Ohn Myint, who participated in the events of 1988 as a professor at the University, and currently is leading the National League for Democracy, Suu Kyi.

"She is the daughter her father told CNN on Saturday. "It has been found in Burma."

In 1989, the Army him in prison. But even in bars Suu Kyi's party won a landslide election next year, 82 percent of the seats won in parliament.

The system does not take into account the outcome of the vote and General Than Shwe to continue to impose more conditions of his detention.

Suu Kyi, who was again the winner of several awards for human rights and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.

Over the years, Aung San Suu Kyi repeatedly denied the government and deters foreign investors in Burma.

In one case in 1998, soldiers prevented from Yangon to leave. But Suu Kyi refused and his car was stopped for nearly two weeks. The proof will be empty, but it is typical of his almost stubborn.

"It symbolizes, hope for the Burmese. When they grow today in the country, and then," said Khin Omar, a network of democracy and development.

Myint is a strong but humble. Be a good listener.

"It is a skill that is difficult to see the other," said Myint.

He remained a devout Buddhist immediately the principal of nonviolence and civil disobedience on Mahatma Gandhi in India admire, promote, "said Myint.

Made over the years Aung San Suu Kyi to clear its commitment to promote democracy in Myanmar. He spoke of his love and the separation of the victims decided to make a free country.

He has not seen his children since 2000. A year ago, said the man died on the authorities in Myanmar to visit his wife. I was "last seen in 1995, but his request was rejected.

Instead, the Council calls for Suu Kyi to meet with their families abroad. But he said he knew if he left will never be recovered. Aris died of prostrate cancer March 1999.

Even before the wedding, Suu Kyi had written a letter confessing his love for Aris.

"I ask only one thing he wrote that" if my people need me, help me know my duty. "

Myint again called to express condolences to Aris died in 1999. Suu Kyi was peaceful in four minutes, but you can tell that his heart would break Myint.

"It may be good politics," said Suu Kyi Myint. "But the only family law."

Suu Kyi was trying to break the monotony and play the piano, a passion for life, for an independent magazine Irrawaddy. But over time, the piano and distorted Suu Kyi returned to paint, to fill the void, said a magazine. One day, maybe people will see his pictures.

Suu Kyi has also asked the lawyers to make their books in English and French. Last year, the Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz's opinion about his book "Globalization and its Discontent has allowed.

In 2007, it is difficult, people took to the streets to oppose fuel costs. Events took a direct challenge to the government.

The government said violent oppression. Suu Kyi's detention was extended again and again. He appeared emaciated - and unhappy.

Cyclone Nargis devastated Burma, even if May 2008, Suu Kyi is not allowed to leave the house, even if the trees around it.

The following year, Myanmar has been in the limelight a strange case of oppressed Americans Yettaw, who improvised on Inya Lake fins of Suu Kyi. He said him received a message from God to do. Yettaw arrested and Aung San Suu Kyi has been accused of feeding Yettaw and punished for another 18 months house arrest.

During the trial he had the opportunity to meet with diplomats. As part of the program, the election was held this week. He and his party boycotted the vote, of course, that's a farce.

"Burma, the system to control people, but we cannot control, cannot believe my mouth," says analyst Win Min "release of political prisoners, but we fear that if the applications are subjected to freedom."

The Council held a national conference to discuss his version of the new democracy in Burma. The plan does not mention Suu Kyi.

Some believe that the real challenge for Suu Kyi has an obstacle to the progress recorded in Burma. However, his supporters are ardent admiration.

He clung to his dream of democracy, peace and freedom to 50 million poor people in Myanmar, they say.

These ideal are much more complex forms of the simple life .

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